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Do you struggle to find reliable childcare?

Many parents across the country have difficultly securing reliable before and after school childcare (sometimes known as Wraparound Care) that works with their schedule. Until they discover Premier Education’s childcare service, that is.

Our before and after school care is a lifeline for working parents, who often find that morning drop offs and afternoon pick ups are a particular challenge – the school hours don’t seem to fit well within the typical working day! This causes undue worries for those that aren’t able to work flexible hours, are self-employed, or have alternative care arranged for their kids.

We’ve been bringing fun experiences to primary school children for over 24 years – so we know how to not only take care of your child, but we also make sure that they have a great time while we do!

Our childcare service accounts for everything you might need, from energising Breakfast clubs, to fun-filled After-school activities – all while you work.

What makes Premier Education childcare great?

We are the UK’s No. 1 provider of sports and physical activities to primary schools – and we’ve had years to perfect our wraparound care to meet your needs:

  • A familiar environment helps your child stay comfortable and relaxed
  • Book up to 30 minutes before the end of the school day
  • Fully qualified, experienced, and responsible team of staff
  • We meet the specific needs of every child
  • Cheaper alternative to childminders
  • Great for all ages – from younger children to the oldest in the school

Your guide to tax-free childcare and childcare vouchers

As a working parent, finding a reliable childcare provider that works for you and your family isn’t always easy, but once you’ve found one, it really is a huge weight off your mind.

However, this vital service comes at a cost, and many families – especially those without grandparents to help out – can find that a large portion of their income goes towards childcare.

However, there are government schemes designed to help families save money on their childcare costs. Find out more by reading our full guide:

Breakfast clubs

An energising start to the day.
Typical timing: 07.45 – 08.45

Evidence shows that a dose of physical activity before school hours start helps to engage children’s minds and prepare them for the day ahead.

Our breakfast clubs offer mentally and physically stimulating activities which sharpen and focus the mind while waking up the body.

All breakfast clubs include a healthy and nutritious breakfast, including food that is low in added sugar and rich in proteins and fibre, helping to extend attention span, concentration, and memory.

After-school activities

Rounding off the day right.
Typical timing: end of school day – 18.00

Our after-school activities are designed to function as a ‘pause point’ that concludes school days with fun activities.

Sessions vary daily and include a range of indoor and outdoor activities, as well as ‘quiet time’ when children can do homework or read if they wish.

We encourage all children to participate in some physical activity. These activities are inclusive – not just for sporty children – and aim to keep them active through play.

Our after school childcare is a great place for kids to try out something new, and meet new friends This improves social skills, self-esteem, balance, coordination, and wellbeing.

Holiday camps

Low-cost, high-energy way to keep children happy and healthy during the holidays.
Typical timing: 08.30 – 17.30

Our Holiday Camps are designed to help your kids get active while school is closed, introduce them to new and exciting activities, and create an action-packed experience they will remember forever.

A bucket load of fun activities, every day of the school holidays. With great value sports, performing arts, and games to enjoy each holiday throughout the school year, we have plenty for your children to get stuck into.

Anchor Point: find-a-session
Anchor Point: no-childcare

No childcare available in your child’s school?

We’re only able to offer care within our partner schools, and children must attend the school that the wraparound childcare session is running in.

If we don’t currently run any wraparound care sessions in your child’s school, then why not get together with other parents and contact your school directly to recommend Premier Education?