Supporting schools

with Sports Premium spending

Following the announcement from the government in March that the Sport Premium has been extended for two years, schools now have an ideal opportunity to really make sure pupils have the best possible PE and sport experience. By carefully planning how to spend this funding, your school can inspire, engage and most importantly, get children active and having fun. 

We know that spending your Sport Premium can be a minefield, so we have created this area to remind you of the objective of the Sport Premium, how it can be spent and how we can help.

Learn more about the 2023/2024 Sport Premium allocation

What is Sport Premium?


The School Sport Premium is an initiative in the United Kingdom aimed at improving the provision of physical education (PE), school sport and physical activity (PESSPA) in primary schools. It was introduced in 2013 by the Department for Education as part of a broader effort to promote healthy and active lifestyles among young people. 

Essentially, it is additional funding allocated to primary schools, and is typically based on the number of pupils in the school. The primary objective of the Sport Premium is to enhance the quality and quantity of PE and sport provision, with the ultimate goal of improving the physical fitness, health, and wellbeing of primary school children. 

Primary schools have the freedom to decide how to use the funding to best meet the needs of their students, however, they must use it to fund additional areas – not for the minimum requirements of the national curriculum. 

The government states that the funding must be used to secure improvements in the following key indicators: 

  1. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport 
  2. Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity 
  3. The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement 
  4. Broader experience of a range of sports and physical activities offered to all pupils 
  5. Increased participation in competitive sport

What can the Sports Premium be used for?

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Can schools use the Sport Premium for Premier Education’s services? 


Absolutely! Read on to find out how we can enhance your school’s PE offering.

  • Our curricular PESSPA sessions not only inspire and engage children by introducing them to a wide range of sports and activities, but align closely with the National Curriculum. By letting us support your school’s delivery of PE lessons, you can be confident that pupils are receiving the best possible start to their physical education thanks to our highly-trained Activity Professionals.

  • Alongside our curricular offering is our extracurricular offering. Schools may choose to subsidise these fun after-school activity clubs using their Sport Premium, or they may choose them to be fully parent funded via our easy-to-use online booking portal. Our Activity Professionals come fully-prepared with their own equipment and tailor their sessions to the school’s existing facilities, reducing your need to spend elsewhere.

  •  A quick and easy way to give your PE a boost is to let us run an enrichment day. With a focus on one particular sport or activity, these days or sessions provide a more in-depth experience for children. From fencing to tennis – and more – we offer a wide range of enrichment days.
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What can you expect from your free strategy call?

With the announcement of Sports Premium being extended for the next 2 years, now is the best time to plan how you can make the most of it for your pupils. To help you offer your students year-round exercise, we’d like to offer you a no-obligation school sports strategy call.

As the experts in sports delivery to schools, our specialists can chat you through a range of topics including:

  • How to get the most out of your Sports Premium
  • How to offer sports to your pupils year-round – How to measure the engagement and effectiveness of your PE provision
  • How to set up and continue to offer extracurricular activities that kids love and help support working parents. 

Find out more about how to maximise your Sport Premium here.

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How you can use Sports Premium in your school:

Facility investment

  • Creating or improving outdoor and adventurous activity facilities, such as climbing walls, orienteering courses or cycling tracks.

Schemes & initiatives

  • Introducing new sports, dance or other physical activities to encourage more pupils to take up sport and physical activity.
  • Supporting and engaging the least active children through targeted clubs, interventions and mentoring schemes.
  • Running sport competitions or increasing pupil participation in inter-school or intra-school tournaments and festivals.
  • Collaborating with other schools to share good practice, facilities and expertise, and create more opportunities for pupils to compete.

External coaching services

  • Hiring qualified sports coaches to work with teachers and deliver high-quality lessons and extra-curricular activities.

Equipment / resources

  • Buying quality equipment and kit for PE and sport, including specialist items for pupils with disabilities or special educational needs.
  • Providing additional swimming provision or water safety education for pupils who have not met the national curriculum requirements by the end of key stage 2.

Staff training and development

  • Providing existing staff with training and resources to enhance their skills and confidence in teaching PE and sport.
  • Embedding physical activity across the curriculum, such as through active maths, literacy or science lessons, or through active travel initiatives.